Major Contributors To The General Fund
NCDXF sincerely appreciates all of the contributions we receive annually from many Radio Amateurs and DXer's to the General Fund. Please note that "directed contributions" to specific DXpeditions are not considered a contribution to the NCDXF General Fund.
Contributions that do count toward the designation as a Major Contributor are those designated to the General Fund, the W6EEN Memorial Scholarship Fund, and/or the NCDXF Beacons Fund.
We particularly want to recognize those major contributors who were extremely generous in 2011.
Click here to download Contributor Logos, for use on QSL cards, personal websites, etc.
On Thursday, August 13, 2011, NCDXC President Dick Crouch, N6RC (center left), presented a check For $2,000 to NCDXF President Bruce Butler, W6OSP (center right)). Other NCDXF Members present included (L to R), Tom McShane, NW6P, Ross Forbes, K6GFJ, Ken Anderson K6TA, Paul Ewing, N6PSE, Dave Pugatch, KI6WF, and John Miller, K6MM

The YASME Foundation

Northern Illinois DX Association

Southern California DX Club
Individual |
Club |
K2PLF, Martin Green Jr. |
Southeastern DX & Contesting Org. |
KU9C, Steve Wheatley |
W6JZH, John Galli |
Individual |
Club |
K6IPV, Donald Lisle |
K6RIM, Al Burnham |
K7CMR, Carolyn Ratajack |
K7MTR, Mart Ratajack |
MDØCCE, Bob Barden |
N7ZA, Bruce Wade |
W5DNT, Dan White |
W6OSP, Bruce Butler |
W6XK, Chet Jensen |
W8QID, Kirk Swalloe |
Individual |
Club |
DM2XO, Rudolf Zerbe |
Albuquerque DX Assn. (W5UR) |
JA1EM, Yoshihiko Akimoto |
Mississippi ValleyDX Contest Club |
K1FK, David Bowker |
Redwood Empire DX Assn. |
K6GFJ, Ross Forbes |
Twin City DX Assn. (WØTDX) |
K6GRJ, Gary Johnson |
K6LRN, Richard Wilson |
K6SY, Mel Hughes |
K6TA, Ken Anderson |
K6UM, Steve Lund |
K7HC, Clay Brown |
K8GG, George Guerin |
KC6BIF, Daniel Seright |
KF7E, Jim Henderson |
KM4H, Mike Henry |
N4JJ, Marion Jackson |
N6OX, Robert Grimmick |
N6PSE, Paul Ewing |
NE1RD, B. Scott Andersen |
NN6L, Dennis Dreier |
NN6W, Gary Field |
NU6T, Richard Hill |
W0GJ, Glenn Johnson |
W5IZ, Al Baker |
W5WT, David Aldridge |
W5ZPA, Michael Mayer |
W6FF, William Gross |
W6HF, Ken Farr |
WB9Z, Jerry Rosalius |